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Belmarsh Tribunal

Julian Assange's Extradition and the Belmarsh Tribunal

International Pressure for Freedom

The extradition case against Julian Assange is nearing its conclusion, and international calls for his release are growing louder. The Belmarsh Tribunal, an independent body established by the People's International Network (PIN), aims to put the United States government on trial for its alleged crimes in the 21st century.

Belmarsh Tribunal: Holding the US Government Accountable

As war crimes escalate in Gaza and the West Bank, resulting in the deaths of over 17,000 Palestinians, including over 60 journalists, the Belmarsh Tribunal assumes greater significance.

Convening for its fourth session in Washington DC, the Tribunal will hear testimony from expert witnesses on the alleged war crimes committed by the US government.

Assange's Implication and the Importance of Free Speech

Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, faces extradition to the United States on charges related to publishing classified information. His case has raised concerns about freedom of the press and the protection of whistleblowers.

The Belmarsh Tribunal aims to highlight the broader implications of Assange's extradition and the need for independent mechanisms to hold governments accountable for violations of international law.
