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Benjamin Netanyahu Wife

Sara Netanyahu: A Complex and Controversial Figure

Wife of Israel's Prime Minister

A History of Ups and Downs

Born in the Russian Empire in 1958, Sara Netanyahu is the wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The daughter of a Zionist family, she grew up in a kibbutz before pursuing a career in psychology. After meeting Benjamin Netanyahu in 1991, the pair married in 1993 and have been together ever since.

Sara Netanyahu has been a controversial figure throughout her husband's time in office. She has been accused of excessive spending, interfering in political affairs, and even verbally abusing staff members. In 2019, she was convicted of misusing state funds, although the verdict is under appeal. Despite the scandals, Benjamin Netanyahu has defended his wife throughout her legal troubles.

Sara Netanyahu's impact on Israeli politics has been significant. She is seen as a powerful figure within the Likud party, and her husband often seeks her advice on political matters. Her public image has been less positive, however, as she has often been portrayed as aloof, arrogant, and even "toxic."

Sara Netanyahu's legacy remains complex and contested. She has been both an asset and a liability to her husband's political career, and her role in Israeli history will continue to be debated for years to come.
